Luxaviation Helicopters, subsidiary of Luxaviation Group, celebrated the forty years of existence of Starspeed Ltd., a helicopter management company specialized in chartering and training. According to the group, the acquisition of the operating company in September 2017, has positioned the company as the largest operator of VIP helicopters in the world. During its 40 years of operation, Starspeed Ltd. has operated in more than 60 different countries, from more than 10 Super and Mega Yachts, with 20 different types and variants of helicopters ranging from Enstrom F28 to Sikorsky S92 through Bell 222 or EC135. Today, Starspeed manages a fleet of 23 helicopters that are part of Luxaviation Helicopters’ own fleet which it manages and charters, so that both companies’ customers can benefit from the service portfolio offered by Luxaviation Group. With Starspeed, the fleet of Luxaviation Helicopters now has 42 helicopters.
Starspeed, owned by Luxaviation, celebrates 40 years